As a People-Person, you get people. That singular talent lets you get what you want from people. You don’t have to like them, and maybe they don’t like you, but as long as the conversation stays open, you can always find a way forward. You might be a charming young bachelor, a practiced liar, or a mid-tier celebrity.

When you play a people-person, you earn xp when you address a challenge with charm or deception. Call upon friends, reconcile with enemies, and say whatever you need to get what you want. The truth is indistinguishable from your delicately-constructed tower of lies. The only way to keep it from toppling is to build upwards.

What part of you is irresistible? What detestable part of yourself do you hide in public?

Starting Actions

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Special Abilities

Follow Me

When you use your Pokémon’s ability, you command all attention. You give +1d to the action roll of another character who is attempting to do something without being discovered, as though you had assisted them. You do not take on debt for doing so.


You’re usually able to smooth over any issues the squad might have with money. You can use your downtime to sway the boss to remove the debts out of the goodness of his heart. Roll sway and take off the results of the roll. If your roll is higher than the debt you owe, there are no negative consequences.

Kadabra Sense

You can always tell when someone is lying to you.

I’m Just a Little Guy

Once per mission, you can resist a negative consequence you receive from failing a roll to speak to a person.

Spinarak’s Web

Your connections bring you the juiciest potential scores. During the investigation phase, you can consort to raise the value of the score without raising the difficulty.

Trust In Meowth

You get +1d vs. a target with whom you have an intimate relationship.
