Step 1: The Squad

In Blades, you get to choose a crew type and a bunch of cool stuff. In Rockets Underground, your Squad is just a smaller subset of Team Rocket.

Your Executive

The executive commanding your squad is the Non-Player Character that you report to. They can provide resources and guidance, but they also provide stipulations and punishments to those who do not live up to their expectations. Recommended executives can be found in the Team Rocket section.

Your Tone

You’re literally doing crimes against people and Pokémon. Your group needs to have a conversation about what is and isn’t off the table for your group. Stealing Pokémon? Fine. Assaulting humans? Maybe. Killing Pokémon? Maybe not.

As long as the job gets done, Team Rocket doesn’t care how you do it. So discuss the methods that your group is okay with.

Your Hideout

Rocket HQ sits underneath Goldenrod City, and that’s where you’ll report to your executive. But does your squad have a hideout of their own? A small loft apartment somewhere, a treehouse in National Park?

Shared Resources

Your Squad’s shared resources include:

Step 2: Your Character

  1. Choose a playbook.
  2. Assign four action dots.
  3. Choose a special ability.
  4. Choose a close friend/rival